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Re: 搜索小技巧提醒

还有一个小技巧,就是排除某些记录。比如我想搜索“”,但是要排除“”那么就可以输入:“ not ”http://www.openlab.net.cn/search?q=%E5%90%83%E9%A5%AD+not+%E5%81%A5%E5%BA%B7

Re: 搜索小技巧提醒

躺枪……哈哈[quote user="宝玉" index="3"]还有一个小技巧,就是排除某些记录。 比如我想搜索“”,但是要排除“” 那么就可以输入:“ not ” http://www.openlab.net.cn/search?q=%E5%90%83%E9%A5%AD+not+%E5%81%A5%E5%BA%B7[/quote]

Re: 不想这麽简简单单算了!

如果媳妇长得不错的话,那么肯定毫不犹豫做出选择啦[quote user="九院小变态" index="43"]其实没什么大的追求,过过小日子也不错呀,在家乡能过上有几套房,》1辆车(not bike)的生活挺好啦~[/quote]


侧面印证了宅女费电的传说⋯⋯MyVibe for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store Description Featured in The San Francisco Chronicle, The Howard Stern Show, Gizmodo,and CNET "Anticipation, teasing and seduction play a major role in many people’s sex lives, …why not turn on the app, hold the iPhone discreetly against your body while on the metro, in a cab or even at your desk as you exchange sultry IMs or Twitter DMs with your real life partner or dream partner?"-- Dr. Debby Herbenick at MySexProfessor.comIf you haven't already checked out MyPleasure.com's MyVibe app in the iPhone's app store, you might want to. Unlike many saucy apps out there, MyVibe is free—and fun.-- Gizmodo____________________If you own an iPhone, you’ll love this new, easy-to-use, free vibrating app that’s a stimulating way to spice up your iPhone’s built-in vibration feature.Download it now and use it: • At your desk• On your couch • On the kitchen table • In the car when you’re stuck in traffic• At the movies• When your kids are watching TV –– and not you……

Re: 摩门教威武!杨百翰大学(BYU)首发中锋违反“荣誉规章”法则被开除

…内容 同性恋行为 大大地不允许 包括性行为和亲密行为 同性恋取向是可以接受的 Homosexual Behavior Brigham Young University will respond to homosexual behavior rather than to feelings or attraction and welcomes as full members of the university community all whose behavior meets university standards. Members of the university community can remain in good Honor Code standing if they conduct their lives in a manner consistent with gospel principles and the Honor Code. One's stated same-gender attraction is not an Honor Code issue. However, the Honor Code requires all members of the university community to manifest a strict commitment to the law of chastity. Homosexual behavior is inappropriate and violates the Honor Code. Homosexual behavior includes not only sexual relations between members of the same sex, but all forms of physical intimacy that give expression to homosexual feelings.


 Bridget Jones's Diary / BJ单身日记   看完了1,2看了一部分。看的时候心里挺难受的,似乎很多女人/女孩都能从中看到自己的影子。那个胖而又笨手笨脚的BJ,即使已经32岁了,依然对爱情有使不完的热情,沉湎其中,没想到到头来只是丹尼尔的性爱对象。sex is not real love.看到她辞职离开出版社的时候,自己就在那里想,如果此时此刻换成自己,心里该有多么难受,想发泄想倾诉找不到出口。   终而碰到一个亲口说like you的男人,但依然爱得很辛苦,费力地周旋于dacy的律师同事之中,说着不搭调的话,不知道别人在内心里怎样地嘲笑她。   女人的爱真的那么廉价吗?   三十岁的女人,没有相貌和身材,没有事业,“又穷又老又丑”,呵呵,未来难以捉摸。   自卑和不自信让人无奈又无助。

Re: 令人愤怒:悉尼中介1.5万兜售中国女留学生贞操

来学习专业名词啦Awesome services provided: BBBJ, DFK, DD, CIM, COF, 6/9 style!!! 无敌服务提供:裸吹,湿吻,毒龙,口爆,颜射,6/9势 补充 DTBBBJ 深喉裸吹 Greek ($100 extra; might not be applied for large size)!!! 希腊式(额外收费$100, 对于大尺寸可能不保证可做)  

Re: 芝加哥大学的一个雕塑

The May Day myth No, Dialogo doesn't cast a hammer and sickle shadow on May 1—or on any other day of the year. By Benjamin Recchie, AB'03 As part of this year's Scav Hunt item #277, a kind of Scav-within-Scav (pdf) designed to set the world record for biggest scavenger hunt, contestants were asked to find which building on the quads has a Ferrari out front. It was a trick question, of course: the building is Albert Pick Hall for International Studies, and the "Ferrari" is not an exotic sports car but the 1971 statue Dialogo, by then-University artist in residence and professor of art Virginio Ferrari. As a generation of U of C tour guides have pointed out, Dialogo is the abstract sculpture surreptitiously designed to cast a shadow of a hammer and sickle, the international symbol of communism, on Pick's east wall on May 1—a kind of leftist finger in the eye to the University's famously capitalistic Economics Department. It's a compelling and much-retold story, the only problem being that it is not true. The debunker of this myth is Will Vaughan, a fourth-year in……

Re: 不想这麽简简单单算了!

殊途同归 在外企拿几十万年薪,最后的结果也不就是有房有车? 安逸的物质条件不应该成为追求更大事业的阻力,相反,应该是助力[quote user="向日葵人生" index="46"][quote user="吃饭有害健康" index="45"]如果媳妇长得不错的话,那么肯定毫不犹豫做出选择啦[quote user="九院小变态" index="43"]其实没什么大的追求,过过小日子也不错呀,在家乡能过上有几套房,》1辆车(not bike)的生活挺好啦~[/quote][/quote]这样生活是不是太安逸了,在家乡有房有车太容易了。[/quote]


…把Dynamo及Paxos一些核心的思想考虑进去并进行了一些简洁的实现。相比其它产品如Memcached则几年没什么大变化,在Web 2.0时代,Memcached已经非常不够用,技术人员需要考虑做很多额外工作才能让Memcached适应新的变化和需求。 antirez在1月5日Google Groups发表了一篇Redis diskstore文章,对Redis VM方式进行了反省,思考是否有更好的方式来大数据的Redis访问。 a few months after VM started to work my feeling about it started to be not very good… that VM was not the way to go for the future of Redis 适合Web 2.0数据访问最佳的方式就是完全基于内存,比如用Memcached或者Redis snapshot方式。但是更多的业务场景是数据规模会超过RAM容量,因此有几种不同的设计模式。 1. VM方式。将数据分页存放,由应用(如Redis)或者操作系统(如Varnish)将访问量较少的页即冷数据swap到磁盘上,访问多的页面由磁盘自动换出到内存中。应用实现VM缺点是代码逻辑复杂……


…holds that a person with any trace of African ancestry is considered black unless having an alternative non-white ancestry which he or she can claim, such as Native American, Asian, Arab, or Australian aboriginal.[1] It developed most strongly out of the binary culture of long years of institutionalized slavery. This notion of invisible/intangible membership in a racial group has seldom been applied to people of Native American ancestry (see Race in the United States for details). The concept has been chiefly applied to those of black African ancestry. As Langston Hughes wrote, "You see, unfortunately, I am not black. There are lots of different kinds of blood in our family. But here in the United States, the word 'Negro' is used to mean anyone who has any Negro blood at all in his veins. In Africa, the word is more pure. It means all Negro, therefore black. I am brown."[2] 以上是wiki的一段解释。如果看不明白,没关系,这里还有中文: 欧巴玛的父亲是来自肯亚的非洲裔,母亲却是美国中……

Re: 不想这麽简简单单算了!

什么没有追求啊? 我不知道家里给你找的工作是什么工作.不管是企业还是机关的话,混到高层你都有很长的路要走,而且不是混日子就能混出的. 对象的问题,前面有人说过了,你自己找的对象,可以保证将来工作地点和你在一起?[quote user="向日葵人生" index="49"][quote user="吃饭有害健康" index="47"]殊途同归在外企拿几十万年薪,最后的结果也不就是有房有车?安逸的物质条件不应该成为追求更大事业的阻力,相反,应该是助力[quote user="向日葵人生" index="46"][quote user="吃饭有害健康" index="45"]如果媳妇长得不错的话,那么肯定毫不犹豫做出选择啦[quote user="九院小变态" index="43"]其实没什么大的追求,过过小日子也不错呀,在家乡能过上有几套房,》1辆车(not bike)的生活挺好啦~[/quote][/quote]这样生活是不是太安逸了,在家乡有房有车太容易了。[/quote][/quote]也许是吧,但这样是不是有点没追求。其实这个不是最重要的,重要是怕自己以后……


…president再到 executive director. 第一个interviewer是个UIUC的物理学PhD。我特意找美国人打听了一下,答曰UIUC的 graduate school极强,绝对属于顶尖级别。 第一个问题什么叫securitilizaton(证券化),答曰it is the process of combining loans with similar characteristics for collateral to issue debt. PhD GG点头。我暗自庆幸自己背了定义来的。 接着他从我简历上的第一个项目问到最后一个项目。从data的source, distribution, sampling,bias,问到regression method, model assumption,why this assumption, why this indicator, why not other indicator, 再到conclusion, how to interpret, how to explain,最后问我认为model应该如何改进,各种细节,精确到汗毛。其中不断 地质疑模型的数据,假设,建模,结论,我便把当年简大人搪塞我的各 种理由一一搬 出来 搪塞他。总而言之,那些模型在他眼中仿佛都是玩具····· 从我过去工作中问不到任何有营养的内容的PhD GG又转而问我高中物理竞赛考什么。于是 连力学光学都不知道要怎么说的我,手舞足蹈语无伦次地解释……

如何清晰地思考(近一年来业余阅读的关于思维方面的知识结构整理)——MIND HACKS

…无动于衷吗?(《别做正常的傻瓜》、《Predictably Irrational》)如:你知道为什么当手头股票的股价不可抑止地滑向深渊时我们却一边揪着头发一边愣是不肯撤出吗?(是的,我们适应远古时代的心理机制根本不适应金融市场。)糟糕的判断与决策令我们的生活变得糟糕,这还不是最关键的,最关键的是我们从来不会去质疑自己的判断,而是总是能“找到”其他为自己辩护的理由(《错不在我(Mistakes were made, but not by me)》)又,现在是一个信息泛滥的时代,于是另一个问题也出现:如何在海洋中有效筛选好的信息,以及避免被不好的信息左右我们的大脑(Critical Thinking)关于以上提到的几点我在豆瓣上有一个专门的豆列(“学会思考”),希望有一天我能够积累出足够多的认识对这个主题展开一些详细介绍。      人类的大脑和思维是目前已知最为复杂的系统,对这个系统的研究不仅自身是一件极其迷人的事情,对于像……

TOP10: 人类史上十个最伟大时期

…丽莎》《西斯廷教堂》《拉斐尔画室》《圣母悼子》《西斯廷圣母》《维纳斯的诞生》。此外,欧洲对于新世界的探索也是人类史上的重大事件。9. Roman Republic and Empire (100 BC-100 AD)9. 罗马共和国和罗马帝国 (公元前100年-公元100年) The rap on the Romans is they stole their culture from Greece, but it’s not really true. The Romans borrowed freely from the Greeks but excelled in different fields — engineering, architecture, satire, and ethics (the Stoic tradition peaked in Rome, a little later, with the writings of Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius). No other society except Greece (and perhaps England or China) ever made greater cultural contributions. At about the same time, Chinese culture reached its greatest geographic extent with the Han Empire.人们往往指责罗马人偷盗了希腊文化,但其实这并非事实。罗马人自由地借鉴……

Re: 如果10亿中国人过上美国人的生活,美国人会怎么样?看看奥巴马怎么说

You know if you talk to Chinese leaders I think they will acknowledge immediately that if over a billion Chinese citizens have the same living patterns as Australians and Americans do right now then all of us are in for a very miserable time, the planet just can’t sustain it, so they understand that they’ve got to make a decision about a new model that is more sustainable that allows them to pursue the economic growth that they’re pursuing while at the same time dealing with these environmental consequences. So I think they understand intellectually. 【译文】如果你同中国的领导人交谈,他们会立刻认同,如果超过10亿的中国居民现在过着和澳大利亚人与美国人同样的生活模式,那么我们都将陷入非常悲惨的状况,这个地球无法承受,所以,中国的领导人清楚,他们不得不下决定创建一种可持续的……

Re: 不想这麽简简单单算了!

[quote user="吃饭有害健康" index="45"]如果媳妇长得不错的话,那么肯定毫不犹豫做出选择啦[quote user="九院小变态" index="43"]其实没什么大的追求,过过小日子也不错呀,在家乡能过上有几套房,》1辆车(not bike)的生活挺好啦~[/quote][/quote] 这样生活是不是太安逸了,在家乡有房有车太容易了。

Re: 不想这麽简简单单算了!

[quote user="吃饭有害健康" index="47"]殊途同归在外企拿几十万年薪,最后的结果也不就是有房有车?安逸的物质条件不应该成为追求更大事业的阻力,相反,应该是助力[quote user="向日葵人生" index="46"][quote user="吃饭有害健康" index="45"]如果媳妇长得不错的话,那么肯定毫不犹豫做出选择啦[quote user="九院小变态" index="43"]其实没什么大的追求,过过小日子也不错呀,在家乡能过上有几套房,》1辆车(not bike)的生活挺好啦~[/quote][/quote]这样生活是不是太安逸了,在家乡有房有车太容易了。[/quote][/quote] 也许是吧,但这样是不是有点没追求。其实这个不是最重要的,重要是怕自己以后心态改变,还有要沉受家庭。 还有就是要面对别人介绍。只怪自己不才没有自己找个女友。

Re: 我太能了!

[quote user="有害" index="14"]楼主是女生[/quote] No, I'm not. 闪~

Re: 我后悔当初选择了西安抛弃了深圳。

[quote user="吃饭有害健康"]哪过都差不多。。都是吃饭睡觉打豆豆我觉得LZ这种人 选了深圳也会后悔没留西安的[/quote]