

An Introduction to NPU


Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) is one of China’s leading research

During the 7th and 8th “Five-year Plan” (1986-1995),
NPU has been one of the 15 top universities, which were funded by the State
Council with highest priority.

During the 9th “Five-year Plan” (1996-2000), NPU has been one
of the 15 top universities funded by the “211 Project”, which aims to construct 100 high quality
universities for the 21st century.

During the 10th “Five-year Plan” (2001-2005), NPU has been one
of the 38 top universities funded by the “985 Project”, which targets at funding world-class
Chinese universities for the 21st century conducted by the
government of PRC.

Currently, NPU has 1430 full and associate professors and
senior engineers, among whom there are 15 Fellows of the Chinese
Academy of Engineering and Chinese Academy of Science.

Since its foundation, NPU has trained more than 100,000 students including
2,000 Ph.D. and 13,400 Master students. Among them, there are the country’s
first Ph.D. students in six different disciplines. 34 Ph.D. students and
teachers of the University have become the research fellows of Alexander
Humboldt, and 6 alumni have been awarded the title of “Ten Outstanding Chinese Youths”.

NPU has become an important
center for scientific innovation. It has ten state key disciplines, 13
first-class disciplines, ten national key laboratories and national specialized
laboratories, ten provincial and ministerial key laboratories and nine
provincial engineering research centers.

The University has successfully
undertaken 4163 research projects during the  10th “Five-year Plan” (2001-2005).

In 2004, the Project “Processing
of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Silicon Carbide Matrix Composites for High
Temperature and Long-Time Applications” achieved the first-class State
Technology Invention Award which had remained vacant for the past 6 years.

 The research fund gained by the
University has ranked in the top ten among Chinese universities in the past six
years. In 2004, the research fund was up to 824 million RMB, which ranked the
sixth in China.

 The school of computer science in
NPU was ranked 13th in China.



一向年光有限身,等闲离别易销魂。酒筵歌席莫辞频。 满目山河空念远,落花风雨更伤春。不如怜取眼前人。
山寺微茫背夕曛,鸟飞不到半山昏。上方孤罄定行云。 试上高峰窥皓月,偶开天眼觑红尘,可怜身是眼中人。

A lesson is repeated until learned……


Down by the salley gardens my love and I did meet ...